Our walks/How to book

We try, as far as possible to provide walks for a range of capabilities. All routes are risk assessed and may be subject to change on the day as part of the dynamic risk assessment by trained walk leaders.
The timetable of walks is available on this website, details will be on our Facebook page and on display in the Hub window.
Whilst we do our utmost to keep the costs of our festivals to a minimum, there are inevitably some costs involved in running a walking festival.
We offer our walks on a donation basis - PAY WHAT YOU CAN!
To allow us to offer future events, any donations (payable by cash or card in the Hub) are most welcome. We are often asked what would be acceptable as a donation and we usually suggest £5. However this is not a set amount, and we only ask that you PAY WHAT YOU CAN!
Spaces on walks can be reserved through the Eventbrite booking platform or by direct contact with Hike & Bike Hub - 07476 316242

Who can come/what to bring

Everyone is more than welcome on our walks.
However, it is essential that you read through the walk description and satisfy yourself that you are capable of completing the walk.
Dogs are welcome on walks but they must be kept on a lead AT ALL TIMES.
You should make sure that you are dressed suitably for all weather conditions. You should have warm clothes, decent footwear, snacks, drinks. You should also bring your own first aid kit.
Having medical conditions does not preclude anyone from taking part in our walks, but if you do have any medical conditions which your walk leader should know about, please let them know before the walk starts.
If your walk leader has any concerns about the suitability of the walk for you, they may suggest that you consider joining an alternative walk.